It’s been two years now since I first started this website. After writing blog posts that reflect on what I do and don’t like about the books I read, and after publishing a book that doesn’t quite fit in your traditional genre subdivisions, it has become clear to me that I have certain opinions and perceptions, particularly about telling stories (one of the most noble art forms, in my opinion). And it occurred to me that perhaps I ought to explain a little about why I write what it is that I write.
You know how, at the amusement parks, they put up wooden fences around the “new” sections where they are doing construction? Well, it’s like I found a knot hole in that wooden fence, and I’m the only one who can see what’s on the other side. It’s a whole other world over there, and since I’m the only one who can see it, it’s up to me to share these stories with everyone else. That’s why I write. To share the stories that no one else knows; to bring to life a world that only I can see; to give the gift that only I can give. Specifically, I adore love stories, and MUST have a happy ending. I’m also fascinated by the “dark side” – as in, vampires, demons, lost souls, etc. I think it showcases the human ability for hope when the “monsters” find their own humanity and happiness. At the same time, I believe in God. He is a part of all the areas of my life; why shouldn’t He be a part of my stories as well? I feel like these stories are His gift to me; they are part of my purpose and the work I am meant to do. And I want to reflect to the world – even if it’s just in a small way – that truth and light that I’ve found in my faith. Naturally, I want to have everything, all at once – so I combine the two! I’ve mentioned in a previous post how important I feel it is for hope to be part of the story. Taking that to the next level, I love the contrast of bringing light into the darkness, and the grace it takes to save what appears to be utterly lost. I feel like it portrays a deeper message: if these “monsters” can find a happy ending, then surely there is hope for the rest of us. How much better will our own lives be, if only we don’t give up, but keep believing and keep fighting! More on why I write what I write next time! What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments section! Until the next time, keep reading! P.S. – If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends! Here’s a link: P.P.S. – Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook/ Twitter/ Instagram, and sign up for my email list!
My Blog:I have two passions: reading and writing. You can't write good stories without first reading good stories - that's my theory, anyway. So this is where I'll share with you the depth of those passions: background on what and why I write, as well as talking about the books that I read and how they impact my writing. Archives
June 2024