(Sigh) I hate to speak ill of any books, but after the dozens of contemporary romance novels that I’d read, I’ve discovered certain issues that I find more and more frustrating every time I read them. Recently, I worked my way through Katie MacAlister’s Men In Kilts, but I suspect my complaints are probably typical of the entire genre.
For starters, there’s the lack of communication. I spend half the book wanting to yell at the characters to just TALK to each other! Aren’t there enough perils and pitfalls in relationships already, without adding more problems?! (I realize the excess drama is there to keep the story engaging, but after a certain point of being over-the-top, there’s less excitement and more eye-rolling.) Then there’s the over-abundance of sex; as if jumping into bed actually solves any relationship issues! Plus, I’m thinking this isn’t really something we want to encourage in today’s society ><. Last but not least, there are the heroines I can’t relate to. They’re over-reactive and ridiculously dramatic (again, I realize some drama is necessary for the story, and some of us do go a little overboard at times, but come on). And at times they seem completely incapable of intelligent or even rational behavior! Not only do I sigh and struggle with understanding the lead character’s perspective, but why should I want to be her or even respect her? I know, I know. I’m being overly critical here. The purpose of romance novels in general – this is my opinion here – is emotionally-cheap entertainment and a certain level of sensual gratification. You don’t have to invest very deeply to enjoy the story (I admit, that is the primary reason why I’ve read them – something simple and easy, to give my brain a break after a more intense book.) It’s all on the surface, so it’s appealing to the masses, plus we all know that sex sells. That’s why there are so many of them out there. I get it. But I’d hate to be that person who does nothing but rant in their blog, and this post is going a bit longer than intended anyway, so more on what I think and what I’d rather do differently next time! Do you agree? Share your thoughts in the comments section! Until the next time, keep reading! P.S. – If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends! Here’s a link: http://www.lynnwallaceauthor.com/blog/giving-up-on-contemporary-romance-part-1 P.P.S. – Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and/ or Twitter, and sign up for my email list!
My Blog:I have two passions: reading and writing. You can't write good stories without first reading good stories - that's my theory, anyway. So this is where I'll share with you the depth of those passions: background on what and why I write, as well as talking about the books that I read and how they impact my writing. Archives
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