Backstage Prince by Kanoko Sakurakoji is a short (only 2 volumes!) but adorable manga featuring a love story in the world of kabuki theater. Akari, a high-school girl who is clueless about both boys and kabuki, finds herself roped in as the assistant to gorgeous Ryusei, a famous young kabuki actor. But what starts as a simple assignment turns into something deeper as both of them realize the depth of their feelings and need for each other, despite the drama that comes from balancing love with an entertainment career! The story isn’t long or complex, but it’s endearing in the way it captures the miracles that love can perform. Akari and Ryusei are totally different people from completely different worlds: she’s a happy and cheerful student living an ordinary life, while he is antisocial and grouchy, despite his good looks and his fame as an actor. Yet, they find peace and contentment in being together, and the connection they forge allows both of them to grow. Ryusei’s acting ability improves, and his reliance on Akari gives him the emotional release and strength that allows him to expand his range as a performer. Akari doesn’t develop new skills or discover any hidden talents, but finding that she alone can provide the stability and comfort Ryusei needs to fully pursue his career allows her to see that even someone ordinary can play an extraordinary role. It’s a wonderful example of how love can bring out the best in anyone. That simple but sincere message is something I tried to capture in Beyond the Soul, when we see Jesse and Emer again, this time as a married couple. Many things have changed, primarily Jesse’s behavior – from the hot-headed Viking with violent tendencies that we saw in The Heart of Everything, there’s now a sense of patience and maturity. Alex comments several times throughout the story how his best friend has changed, and seeing how love has improved a “barbarian” is one of the influences that allows Alex to finally let go of his own feelings for Emer and pursue a relationship with someone new. After a decade of marriage, I fully believe that love in a committed relationship can truly bring out the best in anyone. God tells us that “the two shall become one flesh” in marriage (Mark 10:6-9), so the love stories I write will always reflect the goodness and beauty that comes from loyalty in love! What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments section! Until the next time, keep reading! P.S. – If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends! Here’s a link: P.P.S. – Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook/ Twitter/ Instagram, and sign up for my email list!
My Blog:I have two passions: reading and writing. You can't write good stories without first reading good stories - that's my theory, anyway. So this is where I'll share with you the depth of those passions: background on what and why I write, as well as talking about the books that I read and how they impact my writing. Archives
June 2024